APR 2020




Every 3 years, the Network for Ultraviolet Astronomy organizes a Workshop to coordinate international action on the needs and means for Ultraviolet astronomy. In October 2020, the NUVA will hold its 5th workshop. The workshop has been split into two events to the covid-19 pandemic. go to workshop page



NOV 2019




The testing of the engineering model of the Micro Channels Plate (MCP) detector to be used in the Field Camera Unit (FCU) on board the WSO-UV space telescope has started. These activities are the first step for preparing the qualification campaign that will take place during 2020. Read more



JUL 2019




The commemoration day of the arrival of man on the moon on its 50th anniversary event, took place at the Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex (MDSCC) in Robledo de Chavela, Madrid on 19th and 20th july, 2019. Read more



MAY 2019




The commemoration day of the arrival of man on the moon on its 50th anniversary event, took place at the Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex (MDSCC) in Robledo de Chavela, Madrid on 19th and 20th july, 2019. Read more



FEB 2019




Joint Workshop organized by the Spanish Association of Aeronautical and Space Law (AEDAE) and the AEGORA Research Group from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) about "SPANISH REGULATION AND REQUIREMENTS TO PUT INTO ORBIT A SATELLITE”. Read more



SEP 2018




A meeting on the spectral-Imaging and coronographic capabilities of WSO-UV took place in Madrid past 17th September 2018. Attendees from Japan (Rikkyo University, JAXA), Russia (INASAN, IKI) and Spain (UCM, SENER,  HITA). Read more



MAR 2018




The Spanish and Russian WSO-UV teams met together in Moscow past 6th and 7th March 2018. The meeting was devoted to the startup activities of the Spanish contribution to the WSO-UV imager, the PDD detector of the Field Camera Unit. Read more



DEC 2017




The AEGORA team (UCM, Madrid) presented on 5th December 2017 a proposal for using the Deep Space Gateway for UV exploration, during the Deep Space Gateway Workshop held at ESTEC (European Space Agency,  Noordwijk, Netherlands). Read more



OCT 2017




The Complutense University of Madrid and the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences have created the Joint Center for Ultraviolet Astronomy (JCUVA). The inauguration of the JCUVA Center took place on October 27, 2017 at the JCUVA facilities on the Complutense University of Madrid. Read more



JUL 2017




Ultraviolet Sky Surveys The needs and the means (an international symposium) took place 10-14 July 2017 at Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. A conference to discuss lessons learned from past UV sky surveys, the status of on-going missions, and plans for future missions. Go to the workshop page



MAY 2017




In May 30th and until 1st June 2017, the WSO-UV project working group meeting was held at the UCM facilities . It was attended by representatives of the Astronomical Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INASAN), the Institute for Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI) and the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain ( MINECO). Read more